05 Jan How much does in-floor warming or radiant heating cost in Sk
What is the cost to install RadiantLink to warm your basement or garage floors?
Every new home construction or renovation project is unique. It is best to get two or three quotes for a system to warm your floors. We have four contractors in Regina ready to help you with this step. See our blog on our contractors Contractors who Install RadiantLink (In-Flooring Heating) in Regina, Saskatchewan and Region
RadiantLink has the ability to warm 1500 square feet which could include your basement floor or walls, your attached garage floor, your kitchen and bathroom tile floors and create a warm soaking tub.
What should you look for in your quote to warm the floors with RadiantLink?
Your quote should include the following:
- ½” oxygen barrier pex piping with a 25 year guarantee that covers the pipe and the fittings
- Supply and return manifolds
- RadiantLink furnace coil installed in the furnace supply plenum
- RadiantLink control box with pump, relief valve, expansion tank,etc, installed and piped to the coil and manifold (one year warranty)
- System to be pressure tested, filled with propylene glycol solution
- One thermostat installed and wired
- Relay to shut off pump when air-conditioning is on installed and wired
What should you expect to pay to create the comfort of luxury in-floor heating your home?
From start to finish using RadiantLink for your floor warming will generally cost between $6500 – $7500 plus taxes. Every home is unique and working with our contractors will help get you the best product for the least amount of money. Check our our Do-It-Yourself project on inwall heating Do It Yourself Project – In-Wall Hydronic Radiant Heating
How does RadiantLink compare to other systems for in-floor heating?
The beauty of using RadiantLink for your home’s radiant heating or floor warming system is the connection to the to the most efficient heater in the business – your furnace. This builds into your home a great system for ventilation, heating, air conditioning and floor warming. The natural gas high efficiency furnace is installed into 70% of Saskatchewan homes for a reason. It is reliable and does not cost a great deal to install or maintain. For more information about the difference between electric and hydronic heat see our blog Hydronic floor heating vs electric floor heating
Below is a link to angielist.com that gives the costs of using a boiler or electric mats for radiant floor heating.
What questions should you ask your plumber to know if you have the right floor warming system for your home?
- Question #1 – if the system leaks how much fluid will be released, and what is the cost to repair this damage? Our System of warming the floors using RadiantLink is a closed loop system with 5 gallons of fluid.
- Question #2 – will my floor warming system effect the hot water supply to my shower? RadiantLink is not connected to the shower water and will not affect the temperature.
- Question #3 how much will it cost to maintain the in-floor heating system? RadiantLink is connected to the furnace. Reliance Mackenize (www.reliancehomecomfort.com) charges $119 for a 12 point inspection of the furnace.
Please see the attached website for cost of maintaining a boiler system.
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us at 306 584 0578 or by email at [email protected]
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